Introduction Think back to the last time you watched a movie where you found yourself more intrigued by the scene’s background than the subjects of the movie. Maybe it was a walking scene from Lord of the Rings or maybe you’re counting the number of...
Introduction In a previous blog post, we briefly discussed ionospheric physics, specifically focusing on the ionosphere’s composition and fluidity. One particularly difficult aspect about the ionosphere is that despite being a massive churning shell of plasma...
Introduction Many of the advancements in satellite imagery and data analysis have gone towards automating data analysis and improving the world’s agriculture. At the heart of this analysis, though, lies a problem often neglected in conversations: how do...
Introduction Audio and video are widely considered separate phenomena. After all, you listen to music, but you watch a show. On the other hand, both are the result of information streaming from one location to another, and being translated by a piece of technology....